
Simply Ieva

Teaching esl

How to Teach Speaking to English Learners

5 tips that will help you teach speaking successfully Whether you are teaching an actual English conversation class or you integrate speaking activities in your everyday curriculum, how to actually teach speaking may still be a daunting task for you. We speak for different purposes: to persuade, to inform, to demonstrate or to entertain. Just…

Teaching Multi-Level ESL Classes: What You Need to Know

Multi-level English learners in one classroom. That’s the name of the game, especially when you work with older students. Multi-level ESL classrooms provide advantages for English learners, where they have opportunities to interact with each other and learn language through practice and negotiating meaning. At the same time, teaching a multi-level classroom is challenging for…

How to teach ESL speaking and writing with pictures

Speaking and writing activities for ESL beginners and intermediate level students Speaking and writing are the productive aspects of a language. They are also much more difficult to master because one needs to retrieve the information they already have and present it to the listener or reader. I see this all the time: a student…