
Simply Ieva

How to Nail Your ESL Teacher Interview Part 1

It seems like every year there are only two speeds within a school year: rushing to get everything covered up to the ACCESS testing, and trying to catch up and make it to the end of the school year. Sometimes it feels like we have no control over what is going on.

To change the pace, I want to do a series of episodes that will allow you to take a look at how you can invigorate your life and career. That might mean taking up a hobby, starting a side passion, and other times you might be ready for a more radical change such as moving to another district or getting another job to preserve your sanity. This might mean preparing for a teacher interview.

This is the time of year to make those decisions for next year. Looking for another position brings you to updating your resume and cover letter, looking through job postings, and wondering what questions you may get asked during an interview if you get one. 

I want to share the practical tips to get you noticed during the interview process and where to look for job postings (and it’s not just the district website).

For this episode, I will cover the first part to landing an ESL teacher interview: the resume and cover letter.  

Your resume is your snapshot of your experience, certifications and accomplishments. You want to make sure that you have a resume that showcases you. Less is more! The cover letter gives the recipient a first impression of whether or not they want to interview you.

What you will hear about in this episode:

  • Tips about the first steps to apply for a new ESL teaching position.
  • The proper way to format your resume and what to include.
  • How to make your cover letter effective and get noticed.
  • Places to look for job posting other than the district website.


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